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About Us

Welcome to Masjid Muhammad, a vibrant community-based organization located in the heart of South Auckland. Our mission is to provide a welcoming and inclusive space for worship, education, and social activities. 


Masjid Muhammad was established in 2005 to meet the needs of the growing Muslim population in the area. Since then, we have become a hub for the local Muslim community, offering daily prayers, Friday sermons, Quranic classes, and various community events.


At Masjid Muhammad, we are committed to promoting the values of Islam, including compassion, kindness, and social justice. We believe in the importance of building bridges between different communities, and we actively seek opportunities to engage with our neighbors and share our faith with them. 


Our centre is run by a dedicated team of volunteers who work to ensure that the needs of the community are met. We rely on the generous donations of our members and supporters to keep our operations running smoothly. 


Whether you are a longtime resident of South Auckland or a newcomer to the area, we invite you to join us at the Papatoetoe Islamic Centre. We look forward to welcoming you and serving you in any way we can.

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